We are now living in the twenty-first century, in which various kinds of technology , have been developing . But any manmade invention is always accompanied by good or bad points. One of the most popular model of convenience is the car, forexample , but today it is a great contributor to atmospheric pollution . Thus far , the invention of computerized television , " Electronic Superhighway " is used at home without coming to the office . It has both side of positive and negative .
It is the fact that " Electronic Superhighway " make the users get more detailed information of many fields , just only stay at home , you still know about stock market increasingly or decreasingly. If make sure of your home computer is directly connected to the internet. You will be able to intercommunicate to other partners as you want . Whenever you only need to click the left mouse , the scene of menu shows in front of you to select the attractive programs . Also these will allow you to be able to chat and talk with other persons around world. Moreover, It's very easy for you to check health and teach your self through the internet. Sometimes, in urgent case is very good to send messages to be on time from home computer . It is regarded as a companion in each family in modern life . Only a click the left mouse , a whole world will be appeared in front of you.
Nowadays, everybody is very busy about work, so that have not much time to go to supermarket or go shopping . Home shopping programs will allow consumers to buy everything they need. A whole world at your home just few minutes .
On the other hand , owning to your dependence on " Computer Generation " , you will be less of doing body activity. If you only sit in front of a computer days by days and months by months , it will affect the negative of your health. Unless the light is incorrected frequently to the eyes , you are short-sighted in one day. Because of very hardly to take part in sports outside, your physical body is weak, and your muscle is also decreased development . On account of not going out of home computer , you don't talk to an other quite often, may be " Electronic Superhighway " will make you isolate with people live around , you lose chance to meet friends in real life , whereas you only can make friends through the internet.
In fact, it 's hardly to have application by handed writing . People nearly lose the habit of reading at Newspaper stand , writing a letter to post office .
In conclusion , beside some of abusing about computerized television , I believe that the users know about how to arrange right time and fine way in the daily life , the home computer is now very useful for every family in our society. Also , It's essential to work for our relationship.
It's a great of achievement in science , education , economics , security , technology ... and so on . That this is thankful of the invention to bring people get more modern conveniences .
Written by Kim
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